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MAC Financial Services Inc. provides integrated wealth-management services by working with the accountants at MAC LLP and the licensed portfolio managers at TriCert Investment Counsel Inc. Your Wealth Management Advisor will work with you to create a comprehensive financial plan and quarterback the implementation to secure your future, so that you can enjoy the things you love.



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Warren Buffett has been quoted as saying, “Cash is a bad investment over time.  But you always want to have enough so that nobody else can determine your future.”

Cash flow planning goes beyond looking at your income and expenses, although that is an important starting point.  A proper cash flow plan not only addresses how to save your money, but also how to access your money as well.

By working with the accountants at MAC LLP, our wealth management advisors strive to manage our clients’ cash flow in the most tax-efficient way, both during their working years as well as their retirement years.  This can include answering questions like, ‘should I take CPP early?’ and ‘should I be making an RRSP or TFSA contribution?’ or ‘How do I avoid OAS claw back?’

The power of having a cash flow plan, coupled with a tax plan from an accountant cannot be understated.   


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Several years ago, the rule of thumb was that you needed a million dollars to retire.  While that is still certainly possible, the reality is that everything costs much more today than it did twenty years ago and will cost much more again twenty years from now.

The only certainty with retirement planning is that every individual’s retirement is unique. Our wealth management advisors work with you to not only determine if you will have enough money to retire, but also how your lifestyle might change during retirement and how to structure things in the most efficient way possible.

Whether it is Freedom 55 or Freedom 75 that is right for you, a retirement plan is the foundation for achieving your goals.  The sooner you make a plan, the more control you will have over your financial future.




There are two things that are certain in life:  death and taxes.

A proper estate plan involves a detailed outline of what you want to have happen with your assets after you are gone.  If rolled out properly, the transfer of your assets to your beneficiaries will be planned ahead of time and should be a relatively seamless transition.

Our wealth management advisors will work with you to ensure your designated beneficiaries are accurately represented on registered accounts, look at ways to reduce probate and income taxes, and work with your lawyer to ensure wills and powers of attorneys are up-to-date and appropriate.

You worked hard to accumulate wealth; ensure it stays protected and intact for future generations to come.   



You can spend hours and hours building an incredibly sound and detailed financial plan, but if you don’t have proper insurance in place to protect your financial future, it can all fall apart in an instant.

Making sure that you have adequate insurance is extremely important in keeping your financial plan on track in case of emergencies. Our wealth management advisors look at not only life insurance, but also disability, critical illness, long-term care and group insurance as well.

Life insurance can also be used as an alternative asset class and can be an excellent tool in transferring wealth to your beneficiaries.  



Through a referral arrangement, MAC Financial Services offers you direct access to TriCert Investment Counsel’s Portfolio Managers who will tailor an investment management strategy that is specific to your unique circumstances. Working with your accountant and financial planner, TriCert Investment Counsel’s Portfolio Managers take a quality sector-based (QSect™) approach to investing.

TriCert Investment Counsel is owned in part by MAC Financial Services. TriCert Investment Counsel is registered with the securities regulators as a Portfolio Manager and is engaged to provide clients with discretionary portfolio management.

To learn more, visit the TriCert website.

Robert Cliff, CFP
Wealth Management Advisor

Robert joined MAC Financial Services in March 2020 as the new Wealth Management Advisor. Robert has built his career in the financial services world since 2007. Prior to moving over to MAC, Robert worked as a Vice-President of Financial planning at BMO for 4 years, leading a team of Wealth Advisors. Robert participates in the community by coaching minor hockey for both the Grand River Mustangs girls hockey, and the Centre Wellington Fusion hockey programs.

Contact MAC Financial Services today.